Friday, January 21, 2011

Freedom (Jan 19th, 2011)

Ah, finally a nice day. The sun was out and the pavement was mostly dry. It wasn’t freezing so it was a perfect day for ride. I got the bike out and warmed it up for a while – it’s been over a month since I rode last so it took it a little while but not too bad. I got all geared up and off I went. It was a short ride since it was cold and I had to be at work soon, but freeing none the less. It felt so good just to not be confined to my car. To feel that after all the snow, ice, wind and rain that I could live again on my bike. It was a great feeling.
It also made me think about how else I’ve freed myself over the past year. In building the house we’ve freed ourselves of apartment life. Our kids are able to run and play for the most part without worrying about how loud they get. We are paying into our retirement by not paying rent to someone else but a mortgage for our house. Also it’s given us a chance to work at improving upon something. There are always tasks to do around the house. For me it’s so much easier to do those since the house is ours than it was when we were in an apartment and I wasn’t invested in what happened to it.
The second way is that by starting school I can feel myself freeing up opportunities in the future. It hasn’t really done anything yet except make me feel the smartest I ever have. That’s a good feeling and important in my being successful this time around.
Freedom is an amazing feeling – looking back though it’s amazing to me that those feelings of freedom have come and are coming with a lot of work attached. Just as this country has done we must work for our freedom. We can’t get to where we want to be by lying down on the job so to speak. We can’t truly be free if we aren’t willing to sacrifice and work for it.
I want to be free.

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