I still don't love to work - I do it because I have to. I still love to stay up way to late a play video games. I of course still don't like to get up early to do anything - much less go to school. And I still find the task of completing a college degree to be very daunting.
So what will happen? Will my new differences make me so much better a student? Or will my old and bad habits get in the way of college success again?
I don't really think there is an answer for this - and although I think all of these things will play into my success or failure - I think they can fit in either category. I think my success will be based on me learning and developing certain talents I haven't developed yet. I think college for me will be about learning how to manage my time better. Learning how to get the most out of my time while I'm doing a certain task and compartmentalizing.
I'm excited, I'm nervous, and I'm scared. of what? I'm not really sure. It's a journey that I've never seen through and never gotten very far on. I know I just have to take it one day at a time and one class at a time. When I'm done, and if... yes if, I get that piece of paper in my hand that says I completed my college degree, I'll probably be excited, nervous and scared - of a new journey that I won't know much about.
Such is life - now it's off to bed, gotta rest up they say. That's not something that I've ever been very good at - but I guess now's as good as any to try new things.
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